Wednesday, August 29, 2007

taking fun seriously

We are who we are. But does that mean we shouldn't try to add that little something better into who we arn't?

I happened to meet a certain someone for the first time the other day. I've heard of him before ---because when you're good at something, word spread fast. When your skill(s) are being praised by others, it amplifies a thousand times louder than you saying it yourself. So anyway, I met him and after introducing ourselves, I couldn't believe it was him at that moment. Well, it was the way he carried himself.

A humble spirit, and a light-hearted demeanor -- that was all that was needed to break the ice. And of course, humour always does the trick. That set me into thinking and self-assessment. What am I like today?

One of our country's leader once said: We should take fun seriously.

Ironical eh? But for serious people, maybe the introduction of fun would first warrant a certain degree of serious consideration into it first. Perhaps that was what he meant. (of course not!)

I personally find that injecting humour into a conversation is an art. Witty comments and quick get-back responses are things that spices up speech. Hearing that from someone would also build a lasting first impression. More importantly, these are the things that can shatter the ice... without excruciating effort. There are people who are naturally witty, and they make the world a happier place. Then there are the serious down to business people, who balances up the system. I suppose to change oneself, or rather, improve on what's lacking, would be to think like the other side.

I find myself a little too serious at times, and I'm getting bored of being serious. Conscious effort to crack some joke would make me look like a wannabe-fool. Keeping a hidden stash of witty replies is just way too fake. But I realized, if one would just stop for a moment during your sporadic serious moments and gaze into the brighter, lighter and optimistic side of life, your attitude towards things will change. And soon will your mannerism and speech naturally follow along.

Most of the time, it's the people that are relaxed and cheerful who portray a humble attitude. They are the ones that make you feel at ease with. And these are the people that brings life into broken souls. After all, laughter prolongs life, while frowning just makes one dull.

To that certain someone: the impression you gave me lasted. And it was contagious.

So perhaps PM (at that time) was right after all. To a country populated with serious people, let's start to take fun seriously. That is to say, start considering it. And perhaps, the initial conscious effort is what's necessary to get us started. To head for where fun actually lies - that is within ourselves.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Scientific faith?

My recent embarkment into the scientific world has brought me an unusual surge in adrenaline and excitement. It's unusual because never in my life of formal education in an institution, have I recieved such satisfaction out of learning.

Science may seem to be the answer in modern civilization. The key to unlocking the mysteries of life. Yeah, that's mainly why I feel so intrigued about this subject. There's nothing but endless knowledge waiting to be uncovered in due time and put into good use. But can science be the devil when it conflicts with issues pertaining to faith? Is the scientific method the only method in bringing about a consenses among the community?

This semester, I decided to take the challenge of doing a writing module. Most people shun away from stuff that requires writing, except the mass comm and artsy students I suppose. It's main objective is to equip the science student with the skills to communicate all the fwee-fwee-fuah-fuah terminology and ideas into simpler yet consise writing, for an educated non-scientific person. The main goal is as such: If you manage to make that person understand and agree with what you write, you have suceeded! In this module of course. That sounds easy.. but not quite actually.

Our first task is to identify a scientific topic which is controversial and has room for argument. The topic that first came to my mind was "Creation and Evolution". But giving further thought into it, I think my case would never stand if it were to be judged by the scientific method: evidence that persuades.

Compelling evidences and theories in many aspects of science point in the direction of the latter. Eg. Geology, Anthropology, Chemistry, Biology, Fossil studies, Carbon dating etc. And as for the case of creation, faith is the driving force behind the beliefs of creationists. Many men and women of science who are creationists have tried to defend their case in a scientific way. However, I feel that the evidences they put forth can never convince an evolutionist. Primarily because they have already taken their stand before carrying out their research. Meaning to say, they are working towards pro-creationist evidence. What would convince however, would be providing evidences for both sides of the story, and then showing why one side is more compelling compared to the other. But honestly speaking, I think scientific evidence would point towards evolution, not creation.

I might have sounded like a pro-evolutionist up till here. But I'm not.

What I choose to believe in, is a God who created science. The same God that claimed He created everything in 6 days. I choose faith in God, over the evidence of things seen or percieved. The scientific method can never accept this, and I don't expect it to.

Ultimately, Creationists still base their believes on the Bible, while to an evolutionist, theories backed by supporting evidences is their sole yardstick.

Science is what He has created: It is the system of how He intended the natural things of this world to be runned on. It's a field to be deeply explored into. For peeking into the mechanisms God intended for this world to be governed by, is indeed unlocking the mysteries of life on this earth. It's looking explicitly at the awe and majesty of His design.

So, can science and God go hand in hand? I believe so. Creation never contradicts the creator. And as for evolution, I'll reserve my entire subscription on the topic when I get to ask Him face to face. Sometime... Sometime in the future.

And as for now, the one thing I'm quite sure is that I'll most probably NOT be attempting this topic for my paper.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Zwitterions are interesting chemical compounds. They differ from the normal ionic compound, as they can carry both a positive and negative charge in the same compound at the same time. Meaning to say, it is possible for them to bind with both cations and anions.

The zwitterionic state of a zwitterion is sometimes very hard to spot, as it only manifests itself as a zwitterion at its isoelectronic point: A particular pKa value, with only a very slight deviation. As such, zwitterions are commonly seen as either a negatively charged ion or a positively charged ion.

Some people are like zwitterions, and you can't really blame them. At least they have some sort of an ionic character, unlike compounds that display chemical properties uncharted in the realm of nature's chemistry. But just like zwitterions, their chemical behaviour contradicts many a times, leaving you to wonder if they are actually cationic or anionic in nature. It's only at the isoelectric point, that you get to see their true properties. And how often do you stumble upon its isoelectric point (pI)?

This is what I realized today.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

So... what are you chasing?

Everyone chases after something in life.

Humans either get motivated to do something with the hope of a reward at the end OR out of fear of punishment. That applies to everything. So at the end of the equation, after that ' = ' sign, still lies the letter 'I'.

Varsity life starts on Monday, and the anticipation is killing. But before school even starts, there is already an influx of thoughts and things-to-be-done. Goals are being set, books are being sought after, CORs is being flooded with enthusiastic bidders, new topics are being read before lectures start proper.

The race has begun.

Not that there's anything wrong about being prepared before school starts. After all, you applied for Uni to study, and to lay the pathway towards your career right? I'm sure any motivated student would be striving to be somewhere near that legendary CAP of 5.0

Just earlier on, I attended a birthday party of a sec sch/JC mate of mine. It's his 21st and I thought it was really quite well done. The party of course. At the end, he gave a speech which I thought was truely sincere and bold. He talked about the first 21 years of his life. Not that it's a long time, but at least he feels that every single year counts.

He shared about what are the things that we chase after in life. Are they things which have only earthly value and no eternal value?

"Do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matthew 6:19-20

Achievements and setting goals is an important aspect in life. Without vision from a leader, the people will perish. Likewise, without personal goals, a person's life would be meaningless. He'll just be floating where the wind carries him to, comparable to a wandering spirit.

But perhaps one should not be too carried away with achieving that goal, that he over exalts the letter ' I ' at the end of the equation. The journey should be even more important than the end of the road. In organic chemistry terms, learning the mechanism is more important than memorizing the final product.

I believe hard work is important, as amplified by the Parable of the Talents. But more so, is where we place our priority.

The journey, or the goal?

And as for those of us who put their faith in the eternal God, perhaps we should spend some (much) time searching and seeking what pathway we are being called to tread on, before setting out to achieve whatever goals we have planned. Is it the ' I ' that we seek to enlarge, or the 'Him' that we desire to be glorified?

Life Sciences is where I'm being placed in, because it appears to be the only academic area that I have an interest in. Before school starts in a couple of days time, I hope to get a glimpse of where I'm heading. I hope to know what's my calling in specializing in this area in the midst of this 4 years. Only then, can I put all my heart and soul in it with a sense of purpose and destiny. Only then, can I work and labour the rest of the days of my life with joy.

I was joking with a friend on my way back, about the calling of God in the lives of different individuals.

"There are some called to preach the gospel, and they are called missionaries.

Then there are some called to extend the lives of people where possible, to enable them to hear the gospel for a longer time. They are called doctors.

And there are some called to provide the means to extend the lives of people where possible, to enable them to hear the gospel for a longer time. They are called researchers."

So whether one is at the front-line of the spiritual warfare, or at the back supporting the spiritual warfare, I believe it does not matter, as long as it is where God wants you to be.

So it brings us back to the question...

What are you chasing?