Wednesday, May 28, 2008


It's really been a long while since I last updated on whats going on. To say that nothing has been going on is certainly not true. But perhaps the events seem insignificant to me, at least insignificant to share. That isn't good I suppose. When blessings and moments in life are taken for granted, everything will seem insignificant.


Yes... Pathetic. Today I took my first IPPT and I failed! I couldn't pull the required amount of 'ups', despite my occasional sessions at the bar at the bottom of my block and not forgetting the last week of frequent gym visits. Yes, last minute work doesn't work.
Then the run was a flop. The threadmill is definitely not a good gauge! So... 3 more weeks of intense exercise regime before I go claim at least $100 from SAF.

My lifestyle at the moment is also rather pathetic. I'm feeling like one of those big fluffy dogs, that spend most of their time imitating a rug beside a cosy fireplace in front of the TV. No, I have not developed into a TV addict, but I have been waking up later and later. That's not good. Time to change!

Desiring Busy-ness

I'm not sure if it's just me. When I'm all busy and living life with nothing but a snorkel and an occasional gasp of air, a million agendas of what-I-would-do-if-I'm-free floods my wish list. Then when I'm totally freed and having all the time in the world, I become bored. =_=''

As the saying goes: An idle mind is the devil's workshop. I have to agree with this.

As such, Thank God I managed to obtain an attachment with one of the professors in NUS, starting this Monday. He's working on Natural Killer cells in the immune system and he needs a new vector, so I'm given the task to create it. This whole attachment thing has gotten me quite excited. It's my first go at research, and I'm dying to find out how's it like. Then there's all that new molecular biology techniques that I'll be learning, and that's interesting! Isn't it? The downside is that there's no renumeration.


Results for the last semester will be out this Friday. Will the CAP go up or down? Seems like this question is all that matters. Yes. After all, isn't that why we all go to school for. No one, at least not in this generation, can truthfully say that he goes to school to primarily enrich himself.

Recently, a couple of forum letters in the Straits Times have been regarding the June holidays: If it's for, as its name suggest, holiday. Or, a time to plough doubly hard in assessment books, remedial classes and 'parents work'. It's truely a pathetic plight. The pressure for the nation to attain world class standards at an international level has effects that radiate all the way down to the primary level. Perhaps this pressure is also increasing in every developed nation. It's sad. Survival has come to a point where the crucial nurturing and developing years are ruined. Everyone parent wants success in his child's life. But excesses can lead to detrimental psychological effects. And it doesn't help when teachers and principals thirst for success in life too. It's all a cycle. To be the best principal, best employee. Young lives get pressure cooked all around. Grades, CCAs, Best acheiver awards, School rankings. I really feel very sorry for this era. While I'm thankful that I'm out of that stage in life, I really feel sorry for the young people I still have contact with.

While it's true that this pressure is very unlikely to be lessened throughout one's lifetime, adults have greater capability of managing it compared to children. If it's possible, spare them for a little while more till they are older.


When life becomes turbulent, what can we hold on to?
This was last Sunday's sermon, and it truely reminded me of the fundamental things of living a Christian life that I have often forgotten.

When turbulence hits... fear, worry and anger enters. But because of the destiny of every believer in Jesus as promised by the eternally faithful God, we can face turbulence with boldness and courage, for all that is on earth is temporal. Since God is eternal, and it is a duty of every Christian to honour God, shouldn't the things we do on earth (and not just in heaven) be ultimately done for His glory and honour?

It has encouraged me greatly, as it reminded me once again of what are the things that really matters. Temporal things do not last, eternal ones do.
As I recieve my results this Friday, may I have acceptance of it whatever it may be, and give God the glory for it, as I have given my best effort for Him this semester.

"For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day!


He is indeed indescribable, all powerful, uncontainable.

But so often, it slips my mind.

Franz Liszt

Hungarian Rhapsody No.2

I wonder when can I ever play a piece by Liszt...


Perhaps I'm just too free.

Thought of the wonderful times in army. The company I was in and the people I got to work with.

I'm glad it's all over... but also missed all the fun times.