Friday, December 21, 2007

The Wonder Of Your Cross

The wonder of Your Cross
Shall be our meditation
To gather in that shadow
As the sun went down
To weep with those
Who thought that You were leaving
You were leaving Jesus
The humble King
Who never wore an earthly crown

To steal away at night
When they took down Your body
With love and tears
To leave You in a borrowed grave
To go with Mary to that place they laid You
Where they laid You Jesus
And in the morning
Find the stone was rolled away

The cross O the wonderful cross
What glory what victory I've found
I'll come to the wonderful cross
And my whole life I lay down

Were heaven's praises
Silent in those hours of darkness
Your Holy Spirit brooding
'Round that empty throne
Until the declaration He is risen
You are risen Jesus
He is not dead
Behold He lives for evermore

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Travel Solo

The idea of solo travel sounds exciting.
Looking for a destination. Perhaps a week or so in May '08 sounds good for my maiden trip.

Friday, December 14, 2007

New beginnings

Another year's ending, and a new one's approaching.

Life as a varsity student is tremendously fast paced. 1 semester's over, and another's fast coming my way. Soon I'll be recieving results which bear great significance, at least to me. Then, it's time to decide whether it'll be 5 or 6 modules for the coming semester. Then it'll just all whizz past again, and summer break would come and I'll be thirsting for another well deserved break.

2008 brings excitement as I think about the new place of worship and the possible adventure in Sweden the following year. As I watched the finale of Frasier, I thought about the new chapters that bring fresh possibilities, and the taste was just bittersweet.
I shouldn't be playing it safe and comfy anymore. Life is short, and stepping out in all sense - spiritually, academically, socially and being independent opens my world.

May I remind myself, I'm 21. A new chapter is unfolding.