Just got back the long awaited A level results yesterday. The excitements of life eh.
Well, the truth is that I was... and perhaps am, disappointed with my results. But I'm thankful for it (is it ironical?) Was expecting more, esp. Biology... actually, everything. hahaha
After spending the last 3 months doing nothing much... just passing time, seeing the second hand go tick tock on the clock, with my butt perpetually glued to the sofa, feeling nauseatic after watching hours of TV, my money being unnecessarily spent on stupid gun machines, pacing up and down town looking for something new to see, shoving in the midst of crowds and cursing in my mind why can't people don't block the way and walk a little faster. Yeah, you get the idea. Except for my one month of working, and the time i spent at coffee bean sipping iced tea reading some form of literature, or writing songs. The rest of the time was... Fruitless. Arghh.. i'm such a time waster... I'm gonna be judged for it someday!!!
Was talking to SP yesterday on the bus, about the things you think and ponder about when you have TOO much time. Boy, it was scary... We had the same outcomes of having too much time, you start thinking too much, you start analysing nonsense, you get moodswings, you get on-off depressions... etc. I'm kinda scared of retirement now... Can't imagine when I'm 60 and still single, facing retirement.. Oh no, these 3 months really scare the hell out of me already. Hmm, perhaps its because most people are in army, dun really have much places to go to, and the people to go with. My close friends are either in army, or busy studying...
Think i'll appreciate university very much m0re when i go in, and if i can get into my first choice, I think i'll be so much more motivated to REALLY STUDY and put in my all.... cos now I'm kinda worried i'll not be able to get it, cos of fierce competition. Hmmm, I hope all those people with results that seem impossible to achieve will all go and fight it out in Medicine, and the losers of the battle get some scholarship in medicine in some other country, and leave my course alone. Haha... Once you secure that precious seat in university, away with the A level cert. Tear up the grades, no one cares about it anymore!! Its the new road, to Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates... high hopes eh.
And then again, what if my interest change along the way? Ahhh, cos now I only have 1 plan in mind, 1 interest in what to study in mind. I really hope i'll get in...