taking fun seriously
We are who we are. But does that mean we shouldn't try to add that little something better into who we arn't?
I happened to meet a certain someone for the first time the other day. I've heard of him before ---because when you're good at something, word spread fast. When your skill(s) are being praised by others, it amplifies a thousand times louder than you saying it yourself. So anyway, I met him and after introducing ourselves, I couldn't believe it was him at that moment. Well, it was the way he carried himself.
A humble spirit, and a light-hearted demeanor -- that was all that was needed to break the ice. And of course, humour always does the trick. That set me into thinking and self-assessment. What am I like today?
One of our country's leader once said: We should take fun seriously.
Ironical eh? But for serious people, maybe the introduction of fun would first warrant a certain degree of serious consideration into it first. Perhaps that was what he meant. (of course not!)
I personally find that injecting humour into a conversation is an art. Witty comments and quick get-back responses are things that spices up speech. Hearing that from someone would also build a lasting first impression. More importantly, these are the things that can shatter the ice... without excruciating effort. There are people who are naturally witty, and they make the world a happier place. Then there are the serious down to business people, who balances up the system. I suppose to change oneself, or rather, improve on what's lacking, would be to think like the other side.
I find myself a little too serious at times, and I'm getting bored of being serious. Conscious effort to crack some joke would make me look like a wannabe-fool. Keeping a hidden stash of witty replies is just way too fake. But I realized, if one would just stop for a moment during your sporadic serious moments and gaze into the brighter, lighter and optimistic side of life, your attitude towards things will change. And soon will your mannerism and speech naturally follow along.
Most of the time, it's the people that are relaxed and cheerful who portray a humble attitude. They are the ones that make you feel at ease with. And these are the people that brings life into broken souls. After all, laughter prolongs life, while frowning just makes one dull.
To that certain someone: the impression you gave me lasted. And it was contagious.
So perhaps PM (at that time) was right after all. To a country populated with serious people, let's start to take fun seriously. That is to say, start considering it. And perhaps, the initial conscious effort is what's necessary to get us started. To head for where fun actually lies - that is within ourselves.